Policies and Procedures
Oshkosh Arena’s highest priority is to ensure the safety and security of their guests, and we will take every reasonable step to ensure the safety of everyone entering the arena. Oshkosh Arena will administer several important security measures in accordance with NBA security regulations and in conjunction with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
Due to NBA security updates for the 2021-22 season, all patrons will be subject to passing through walk-through metal detectors and/or hand-held metal detectors upon entry to Oshkosh Arena.
Due to updated NBA security measures, Oshkosh Arena will not allow re-entry to the arena. Re-entry can be granted at the sole discretion of Oshkosh Arena management. For guests with disabilities, health concerns and dietary restrictions, exceptions can be made. Please contact guest services or info@oshkosharena.com for more information.
Guests are welcome to bring the following items inside Oshkosh Arena:
- NO Oversized Bags or Purses except for medical purposes, lactation or small Diaper bags! (Small wrist-lets or wallets permitted)
The following items will not be permitted inside Oshkosh Arena:
- NO Glass bottles or metal cans
- NO Vape Pens, or Modified Smoking devices
- NO Weapons (firearms, knives, etc.) regardless of permit
- NO Empty water bottles
- NO Alcohol or illegal substances (including paraphernalia)
- NO Soft drinks or sports/energy drinks
- NO Inflatable objects (beach balls, latex balloons, etc.)
- NO Outside food/alcohol/beverage
- NO Brooms, poles or selfie stick
- NO item that management may consider dangerous or problematic.
- NO markers, pens, or spray paint
- NO Pets, except for service animals or during special promotions
- NO Personal recreation vehicles (skateboards, roller blades, wheeled footwear, bicycles, hover boards, razor boards, segways, etc.)
- NO professional camera equipment without a photo pass from the tour. (In some cases, small pocket cameras may be allowed WITH FLASH OFF. We reserve the right to change this policy based on day-of-show demands placed on us by the bands.)
- NO Unapproved pamphlets, handouts, advertisements, stickers, etc
- NO Drones and other unmanned aerial devices
- NO Laser pointers/pens
- NO Hard case containers (coolers, briefcases, etc.)
- NO Police/radio scanners of any kind
- NO Umbrellas
* all guidelines subject to change, and management reserves the right to make individual exceptions to this list based on circumstance.
Once you enter the building, you agree to the following:
- You must be 21 or older to purchase alcohol.
- You must obtain a wristband to buy or possess alcohol.
- If you are 21, do not attempt to pass a drink to a minor.
- There is NO smoking permitted on this property
- NO fighting.
- Do not mosh, body pass, or stage dive. You may think it’s fun, but the person getting their teeth kicked in won’t be as amused. You may be held liable for damages if you choose not to follow this rule.
- Do not sticker, graffiti, tag, or vandalize the building.
- Stay out of non-public areas of the building.
Violation of these rules may result in being ejected from the building with NO ticket refund.
Oshkosh Arena thanks you for your cooperation and continued support as we strive to improve our guest experience and safety.